Building businesses from inception to launch to success.
Raising awareness, raising funds, and raising profiles.

The Strategic Muses meet their clients where they are: assessing their needs, providing guidance, and implementing programs to satisfy their goals.

Based on client needs and budgets, and with expert assistance as needed, we help our clients with a variety of activities designed to help them achieve their goals. For example, we:

  • Assist new not-for-profits with obtaining 501(c)(3) status
  • Work with companies to identify areas of need and help to develop business plans to support those needs
  • Build brand awareness campaigns
  • Advise on board formation and cultivation of engaged and facile boards
  • Create communications programs and manage ongoing constituent communications
  • Create copy for websites, and oversee design and construction phases of websites
  • Develop crisis communications plans
  • Draft and issue press releases
  • Conduct media training
  • Provide media relations support
  • Create fundraising programs and conduct outreach to foundations, corporations, and high net worth individuals
  • Plan high-level events, including conferences, galas, and forums
  • Write, create, and place television ads on major networks and other outlets
Does this resonate with your organizational needs?
If so, please contact us to explore how we can help.